Services and Our Companies

Integrated Professional Services
Dharmniti Group aims to be a world class professional organization which uses its highly experienced and trained staff to meet their client’s needs, so that they can devote their time and efforts to managing and expanding their own businesses.
Legal and Tax
Dharmniti Law Office Co., Ltd.’s main practice areas are corporate, tax, medical malpractice, debt restructuring, MOA, dissolution & liquidation, real estate, intellectual property, labor, foreign investment, administrative law, civil & criminal litigation, family, immigration and general business consultation. The firm’s main services are as follows:
Business Law Department: Drafting and reviewing all types of legal documentation such as contracts, wills and notices. Preparing and filing applications for Foreign Business Licenses, BOI promotion privileges, trademark and work permits/visas applications. Real estate due diligence and registration. Labour relations including unfair termination cases. Corporate law services including registration of limited companies, branch/representative offices and partnerships as well as company secretarial services. Providing certified legal translations (English & Thai) as well as legal advice on all aspects of Thai business law.
Tax Department: Providing advice on taxation law; analysis of business structures from a tax perspective; conducting tax reviews; preparation of tax plan(s) for each type of business; conducting tax audits; providing training and advice on taxation principles and practices. Meeting with and giving explanations to tax officers; appealing against orders for tax payment as well as filing and defending taxation lawsuits.
Litigation Department: Providing litigation services for all types of cases, especially those relating to criminal cases, administrative lawsuits, medical malpractice claims, bankruptcy and debt rehabilitation as well as misconduct &
corruption cases. We also provide support for dispute settlement through arbitration in addition to enforcement services.
Accounting and Tax
Dharmniti Accounting and Tax Co., Ltd. specializes in providing accounting and human resource services. In 2010 the Company received Accounting Practice Certification from the Department of Business Development. At present, more than 1,000 companies use the accounting and human resource services of Dharmniti.
The Company’s scope of services are as follows:
Accounting Services: Providing accounting services in accordance with financial reporting standards and legal requirements; this includes preparing financial statements, account books and general ledgers, accountant registration, tax forms and well as all categories of tax filling and accounting and tax consultation; and
Human Resource Services: Providing payroll calculation services taking into account applicable taxes, social security and provident fund contributions. We also provide consultation on the calculation of personal income tax by highly trained and skilled specialists. Dharmniti Accounting and Tax Co., Ltd. is dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of its customer’s sensitive information.
Audit and Assurance
Dharmniti Auditing Co., Ltd. is one of Thailand’s most respected and trusted auditing companies as evidenced by the fact that it provides its auditing services to a broad range of clients including public companies, limited companies, public organizations, funds and institutions as well as Thai and foreign juristic persons including foreign joint venture juristic persons.
The Company performs its services at certified standards on quality control for professional auditing in accordance with the SEC Office’s requirements, it also meets international standards on auditing with respect to independent and ethical practice as set by the Federation of the Accounting Profession which is under the Royal Patronage of his Majesty the King.
Dharmniti Auditing has a dedicated and highly trained team of CPAs and listed auditors who are ready and willing to provide professional services to meet their client’s requirements in the challenging business world.
The Company’s scope of services are as follows:
Auditing financial statements and reviewing interim financial statements.
Conducting special audits and agreed-upon procedures, such as Due Diligence, BOI etc.
Accounting advice and management consulting.
Information Technology
DiTC Co., Ltd. is Dharmniti Group’s Information Technology (IT) service provider. IT is often one of the most important factors in determining whether a business will be a commercial success and as such it must be continuously reviewed and developed. DiTC is the trusted IT partner for modern business as it is able to provide its clients with a broad range of customized IT solutions which can cater to their customer’s individual needs, including:
Web Services: The Company has a dedicated and highly trained team of IT professionals that specialize in website design and web application development from scratch. The team is also well equipped to provide strategic content management in order to help their client’s achieve their IT goals.
Online Services: The Company has developed an online service using Cloud based technology that allows customers to access and use their services anytime and anywhere in the form of Software as a Service (SAAS) such as for staff time attendance recording, human resource management, accounting software etc.
IT Services: The Company’s technical team is ready and well equipped to ensure that its client’s computer and network systems are working effectively and efficiently; the technical team is able to swiftly resolve any IT related problem and thereby reduce the IT workload for its clients.
Other Services: DiTC also provides a range of other IT support including installing and distributing various IT products such as infrastructure systems, Cloud solutions, web hosting, Antivirus software, G-suite, Thai WPS and PDF Element.
Seminar and Training
Dharmniti Seminar & Training Co., Ltd. is one of Thailand’s most famous and respected professional training institutions. The Company conducts seminars and training on a wide range of subjects that are practical and tailored to meet the challenges faced by modern business owners, entrepreneurs, accountants, auditors, HR staff and the general public. The Company’s seminars and training are highly respected and popular, as evidenced by the fact that more than 100,000 people participate in its courses every year.
This Dharmniti Company is a pioneer in the seminar and training business with over 30 years of professional experience. It is able to offer its clients an extensive range of professional courses on such topics as accounting, tax, labor law, business law, human resources, management, information systems and foreign languages. The Company is able to provide in-house training for both government and corporate clients. In order to adapt to increasing technological changes, the Company has also developed E-Learning courses which are designed to meet the needs of clients with a digital lifestyle.
Dharmniti’s instructors are trained professionals with specific knowledge and direct experience who are respected and distinguished in the fields in which they conduct training.
Internal Audit
Dharmniti has been providing internal audit services for more than 20 years, starting in 1999 with Dharmniti Auditing Co., Ltd. In June 2016, Dharmniti Internal Audit Co., Ltd. was established since then, the company has grown rapidly and now has more than 60 clients which are public companies listed on the Stock Exchange (SET), it also has a number of other corporate clients preparing to be listed on the SET.
Dharmniti Internal Audit Co., Ltd.’s scope of business is as follows:
Internal Audit Services: Internal audit as well as assessment and advice on the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems, internal audit and internal audit consulting SET registration governance, internal audit system (as per SEC’s policy), risk management, fraud and corruption as well as good corporate governance and quality assurance (QAR), the company is also equipped to provide IT audit support.
Accounting System Development and Business Development Services: Preparing business plan, code of conduct, business continuity plan, organizational structure, salary structure, authorization metrix, key performance indicator, succession plan, preparation for International Standard Organization (ISO). The company can also provide accounting System Development Services including advice on the development and/or improvement of accounting and financial systems, budgeting systems as well as consultancy on accounting, and financial reporting systems.
Meeting room & Seminar room Service
Offering a variety of meeting rooms and different room setups to suit different purposes of the meeting or corporate events. Professional equipment and facilities are also provided to meet the clients and any attendees’ needs.